International Register of Ecotuner

IES has created an International Register of EcoTuners (Iroe) to enhance the role of the Ecotuner to act as a facilitator of the relationship with nature and conductor of ecopsychologically oriented activities. The goal of this register is to promote the dissemination of Ecopsychology, the quality of its application in various professional fields and to consolidate a plan for meetings and exchanges between professionals in Ecopsychology.   

As an international association, already active since 2006 and which includes professionals from more than 14 countries who have been deeply committed to the dissemination, teaching and application of Ecopsychology, IES has defined the criteria that, from the point of view of its national representatives, define the professional figure of the Ecotuner and its work.

IES functions, in line with current European legislation on unregulated professionalism, as a professional association for the world of Ecopsychology. IES does not claim to be the only association in this field, but rather aims to stimulate interest in an ecopsychologically focussed profession in order to consolidate and define, even in collaboration, the vision and work inspired by Ecopsychology.

The term Ecotuner arose in the context of the first IES convention in 2006 (then it was still EES – European Ecopsychology Society) and defines the figure of the professional of Ecopsychology as defined and recognized by IES. Ecotuner is a registered trademark.

Rules of the Iroe

All those who have acquired the status of Ecotuner by training at an IES School, can become accredited IES members and request registration in the International Ecotuner Registry, after reading and accepting the internal regulations.

Consult the list of Ecotuner registered to the IRoE
International Directory

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